Monday, August 8, 2011

Empathy in Action

My father is finally home, and he is very thankful to be here. Even with a long road to recovery ahead, everything seems better from your own room in your own house. I myself find it difficult to be away from my own home for so long, even though I haven't been through near the difficulties that my father has been through in the past few weeks. I miss my husband most of all, and can't imagine life without him. I understand why it scared my mom so much at the thought of losing my dad. When you've found the one person who you can't live without, the idea of that happening is devastating in an indescribable way.

While sitting at the hospital last week my mom and I were discussing the way tragedy brings people together (in much the same way as a pregnant belly elicits pregnancy stories). I heard so many stories while sitting in the waiting room of the hospital. One mother told me about her 23 year old soon who had just been diagnosed 4 weeks earlier with cancer. Amazing the way life changes so quickly for people. He will have months of recovery and was suddenly faced with things that would've never entered my immature mind at the unseasoned age of 23. How horrible that people must go through these things. Still, I find it immensely interesting that even the most reserved people are willing to divulge their deepest heartaches because they see you in similar circumstances. Though they are undesirable places to be, the circumstances almost invite you to share them. To let people know others understand what they're going through. They feel the deepest empathy, and even though they may not know the special person in your life that it effects, they are sitting there going through it with you.

If we really want to be Christ like, or even just a good person, I think that empathy deserves more than a passing thought. Though it may be a dark place to remember in your life, it is also something that you can tell others about to strengthen them. It may be your tragedy, but in the end, its God's victory.

Finally, all of you be like-minded, showing fellow feeling, having brotherly affection, tenderly compassionate, humble in mind... bestowing a blessing, because you were called to this [course], so that YOU might inherit a blessing. I Peter 3: 8,9. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Working Together for Our Good

I have been way out of the social network loop due to an Evidence final and the long (13 hour) drive up north, that left me more jet-lagged than any plane trip (and a one year old more off schedule than he has ever been). Anyway, so enough of my excuses... Here's the update on dad...

We have been through a lot of ups and downs in the past week. The good news is that he is healing from surgery very, very well. In fact, if it was up to the cancer doctors, he would have went home last Saturday. Of course, there are always grander schemes to things than what we know. After some irregularities on his heart monitor they kept him for more observation, finally determining that they should do some serious investigation. That investigation revealed that there has been at some point in time serious damage to the left portion of his heart. I now know way more about how the heart works than I did before, but since I'm sure you don't care, I will spare you the details. Anyway, needless to say, this isn't good. Dad has not taken any of this very well due to the fact that the doctors were being very slow about providing answers. We have been given the serious run around, and lots of different opinions, but as it stands they are weighing different procedural options, the paramount factor being how far it will put off radiation treatment based on recovery time.

The truly crazy thing? The doctor thought his heart sounded great a few weeks ago, but this damage is far older than that. AND if they would have known about the damage, they likely would never have done the surgery on his tongue because it would have been too high risk. That cancer that we now know was in the last stage possible, would have been ultimately untreatable by any earthly means. God may seem to work in mysterious ways, but He definitely knew what He was doing.

My brother went with me tonight, thinking we were going to have to convince my dad to stay in the hospital (he was ready to leave!). It was the first time he had been there to see dad... It amazing how tragedy brings family together. My family and I don't normally talk a lot, not because we don't love each other or because we're upset... We are just that way. Its also funny how you think about how we may so seldom talk to God except when tragedy strikes. Not because we're upset or don't care, but just because you get busy with day to day life and there may seem like a million other things to do. Thankfully, just like family, God is always there to listen. Let us not forget to thank God in the good times and the bad. Just as we should remember to tell those we love how we feel as often as possible. You can never tell when that one time is the last time.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28.